Date of Registration | 29th July 1989 |
Company Objective | 1.a. to invest its assets in securities, such as shares and other certificates of participation and bonds, as well as in other interest-bearing debentures, however denominated and in any and all forms; b. to acquire: (i). revenues, derived from the alienation or assignment of the right to use copyrights, patents, designs, secret processes or formulas, trademarks, and other analogous property; (ii). royalties, including rentals, with regards to films or for the use of industrial, commercial or scientific equipment, as well as relating to the exploitation of a mine or quarry or pit or any other natural resource and other real property; (iii.) compensations paid for technical assistance; c. to invest its assets, either directly or indirectly, in real propery and rights, to acquire, own, hire, let, rent, lease, divide, drain, develop, improve, build upon, sell, or oterwise alienate, mortgage or otherwise encumber real property and to build infrastructural works such as roads, pipelines and similar works on real property; d. to provide consultancy and to render services in the area of international finance, legal and corporate planning, the computer and software industry and in connection with all related to corporate structure and management. e. to act as finance company and as intermediary in effecting financing of any and all kinds of transactions. 2. The corporation is not allowed to operate, inside as well as outside Aruba, as a credit institution or credit union as contemplated in the Banking and Credit System Supervision Act. The corporation is not allowed to participate in Aruban economic affairs and transactions, with the exception of those transactions which are necessary to keep an office in Aruba. 3. The corporation is entitled to do any and all things that may be useful or necessary for the achievement of its objects or that is conected therewith in the widest sense of the word, including the participation in any other venture or corporation, as well as the performance of any other act of a commercial, industrial and financial area. |
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Financial Secrecy Index [more info] | 68 |