Date of Registration | 16th January 2009 |
Company Objective | 1A. the investment of its resources in securities, such as shares and other certificates of title to shares, and bonds, as well as in other interest-bearing claims by whatever name and iN whatever form; B. the acquisition of: (i) proceeds resulting from the alienation or relinquishment of the right to make use of copyrights, patents, models, secret processes or foRMulas, trademarks and the like; (ii) royalties, including rentals with regard to movies or in respect of the use ofindustrial, commercial, or scientific installations, as well as regarding the exploitation of a mine or quarry or any other natural resource and other real property; (iii) compensations for providing technical assistance; C. the direct and indirecT investment of its resources in real properties and rights, the acquisition, possession, hiring, letting, leasing, leasing out, parceling out, RECLAMATION, development, improvement, treating, building over, selling or alienating otherwise, mortgaging or encUMbering otherwise real estate, and the construction of infRastructure works such as roads, pipes and main and similar works on real estate; D. standing surety and giving other guarantees and the transfer into ownership - whether or not into fiduciary ownership or into trust - or mortgaging, pledging or otherwise encumbering of assets, all this as security for the payment of the Corporation's debts and the debts of third parties, whether or not against a consideration; . E. the trade in, including the wholesale and the distributive trade and the business In futures, as well as the import and export of raw materials, minerals, metals. organic substances, semi -finished and finished articles of whatever natUre and by whatever name; F. borrowing and loaning moneys from or to, respectively, professional market partIes, natural persons and legal entities related to the Corporation by directly or indirectly holding shares, to issue bonds for moneys received on loan, and to provide security in any way for third parties. 2. The Corporation may not be active as a credit institution as meant in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the State Ordinance Supervision Credit System. 3. The Corporation THat meets, as regards its enterprise, the criteria of a credit institution as Meant in the State Ordinance Supervision Credit System shall still not be designated as such, If the corporation: a. is a group finance company as meant in the State Decree, Statute Publication GazeTTe (SPG) 2000, no 29, or any other exception laid down by State Decree for.the implemenTaTIon of the provision by, Or pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 2, of the Stare OrdInance SupervIsIon CredIt System; b. is not considered as such by decision of the Central Bank of Aruba as meant In ArtIcle I, paragraph 3, State Ordinance Supervision Credit System; Except for exemption by the Central Bank of Aruba, the Corporation is expressly proHibited from applying to the public directly or indirectly with the obj ect of attracting moneys in the ordInary course of its business, or with the object of granting credits in the ordinary course of its busiNess, or to act as an intermediary in any form in this matter. and tl1is with due observance of the prOVISIon IN ArtIcle 48 of the State Ordinance Supervision Credit System; 4. The Corporation is authorized to do all that may be useful or necessary to achteve Its object, or that is related to it in the broadest sense of the word, including the participation in any other enterprise or corporation, as well as the performance of all other acts in the commercial, industrial and financial field. |
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Financial Secrecy Index [more info] | 68 |