Company Name | OLIE ARUBA HOLDING A.V.V. |
Date of Registration | 7th June 2008 |
Company Objective | 1. The Corporation's object shall be: a. to hold shares or other certificates of entitlement to a share; b. to finance, whether or not within its group of companies, of other enterprises or corporations; c. to invest assets, with the exception of real estate; d. to license intellectual and indusu-ial property rights or rights of use under the laws of Aruba and under the laws of other countries; and this with due observance of the provisions by or in pursuance of Article 2,letter d, of the State Ordinance Profits Tax. 2. The Corporation may not be active as a credit institution as meant in Article 1, Paragraph 1, of the State Ordinance Supervision Credit System. 3. The Corporation that meets as regards its enterprise the criteria of credit institution as meant in the State Ordinance Supervision Credit System, shall not be considered as such yet, if the corporation: a. is a group financing company is meant in the State Decree Statute Publication Gazette 2000, No. 29, or any other exception laid down by State Decree for the implementation of the provisions by or pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 2, of the State Ordinance Supervision Credit System; b. is not considered as such by decision of the Central Bank of Aruba as meant in Article 1, paragraph 3, State Ordinance Supervision Credit System. Except for exemption by the Central Bank of Aruba, tIle Corporation is explicitly prohibited from applying directly or indirectly to the public as regards the attraction of moneys in the ordinary course of its business, or as regards the granting of credits in the ordinary course of its business, or from acting as an intermediary in this matter in any form, and this with due observance of the provision in Article 48 of the State Ordinance Supervision Credit System. 4. The Corporation shall be authorized to do all that may be useful or necessary for achieving its object, or that may be attaching or conducive to it in the broadest sense of the word. |
Country |
Financial Secrecy Index [more info] | 68 |